The Kindle edition of Code Equity: Keying Girls Into Coding by Tara Linney (published with the help of Y42K Publishing Services) will be released on May 30th, but you can pre-order it today!
All around the world, schools are adopting computer science into the curriculum. While there are several programs and books that exist which focus on the teaching of programming, there’s one important factor that doesn’t get the attention it deserves. Gender equity.
Code Equity: Keying Girls into Coding starts with a brief history of the women and men behind the evolution of computer programming, then takes the reader into proven pedagogical practices to create a culture of gender equity in the learning environment. Other topics include curricular integrations for the K-8 educator, tied to both CCSS and ISTE Standards; and empowerment opportunities specifically for girls in an extra-curricular environment.
The real change in closing the gender gap in that exists across several tech and STEM-based career fields begins in how we educate our students. From the teaching practices that we employ to our hiring practices for the educators in these roles, every little change can make a huge impact on the future.