Unique Running Books by Ray Charbonneau

Ray Charbonneau is the author/editor of a number of running books.
That number is currently six. His work has also appeared in the Boston Globe, the Christian Science Monitor, Marathon & Beyond, and other publications.

“Ray Charbonneau is the finest unknown running writer in America. Hopefully the unknown part won’t last long. His understanding, insights and pure humor are not to be missed.”

Dan Solomon

Click here to order signed paperbacks

Simple Rhythms: Poetry for Runners

Simple Rhythms: Poetry for Runners

In Simple Rhythms, Ray Charbonneau finds poetry in motion, the simple and basic motion of running.

$8.99 paper / $2.99 ebook / $3.95 audiobook

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Idle Feet Do the Devil’s Work

Idle Feet Do the Devil’s Work tells the real truth about running with an entertaining mix of facts, fiction, and opinions, all written with Ray Charbonneau’s unique blend of curmudgeonly candor and humor.

$12.99 paper / $3.99 ebook

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Overthinking the Marathon

Overthinking the Marathon is an intimate look at one man’s preparation for his 21st marathon. “Marathon running is the easy part. It’s the thinking that’s the challenging part for the long-distance runner.” –Dave Goodrich, the “Marathon Maine-iac” (Marathon Maniac #238)

$12.99 paper / $3.99 ebook

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Chasing the Runner’s High

“Reads as if someone was walking around a runner’s brain and explaining how it works, functions, thinks and survives. It’s as if he is telling you how last weekend went over a beer. Except last weekend was a 50 miler through mud and mountains in Vermont.” –PavementRunner

$12.99 paper / $3.99 ebook

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The 27th Mile

Edited by Ray Charbonneau

All proceeds from sales of The 27th Mile go to charity in memory of the victims of the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing.

$12.99 paper / $4.99 ebook

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R is for Running

F is for FUN in this lighthearted lexicon that spells out what it means to be a runner. It’s 26 smiles of running enjoyment and an inexpensive gift for the road warrior, trail trotter, or weekend jogger.

$5.99 paper / 99¢ ebook

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