Relegate the Royals!It’s September, and once again fans of the Royals, Orioles, Pirates, and Nationals twist slowly in the dying […]
Why we need “Death Panels”The “vast right-wing conspiracy” is trying to scare people into opposing health care reform by distorting the issues. […]
There is no Health Care Reform plan yet. How ...People talk about the “Obama Health Care Plan” like there actually is one. The president has proposed some […]
I have a dream (for health insurance reform)In my fantasy world, we’d all realize that society reaps significant benefits when people look out for each […]
Health care spending – US vs. the WorldHow effective is our current health care system? We could easily do better by going to any other […]
Health care, not just sickness careHealth care reform should have two goals: to make health care cheaper, and to make health care better. […]